

  1. Who are you?
    If I knew, I would tell you!  Basic facts include being a fabric hoarding sewist and an interior design enthusiast Aussie who is 20.  I’m blessed to live in a super idyllic region of the Queensland coast, however I do have a big bite from the travel bug currently!
  2. What machines do you use?
    I use a Brother NS15 for all sewing purposes, and a Brother 3034D for all chopping and locking.  I adore my NS15 and would struggle to recommend any other machine to anyone starting out!  So simple to use that it even keeps the needle in so you can turn a corner without worries.
  3. Why do you sew?
    For me!  I sew to reduce my footprint on the cheap clothing trade, as I don’t believe that fast fashion is sustainable.  I sew because I can achieve exactly (sometimes) what I want!  I sew to make my soul happy.
  4. When did you start sewing?
    When I turned 19, I received the previously mentioned NS15 and ten sewing lessons at a local shop.  The poor owner was a broken record of “maybe you should start with something easier.”  I’ll take the hard road, the views are nicer!

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